Have you ever wondered, what is true salvation or if I am actually saved? Well, you have come to the right place, and you are not alone. Many religions and groups of people have their own ideas of what true salvation is. Today we are going to go over a few myths about what salvation is and is not, with Scriptures to back it up.
Myths about Salvation
Here are some myths or partial truths about salvation as most people believe it to be. Have you ever heard, "I live good and I don't hurt people. I try to be kind and generous. I give money to those people standing at the red lights, and I donate clothes to places like thrift stores.” These are very common thoughts most people have to describe being a Christian. Yes, we are called to have compassion on our fellow man and give what we have to others, but these things do not signify salvation alone. I'm sure most of us growing up have heard of the "golden rule," do unto others as you would have done to yourself. Interestingly enough, that's actually a verse right out of Scripture in Matthew.
"Therefore, everything you would like men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
Matthew 7:12 MEV
As a Christian this is how we are supposed to live our lives. Now, the question is, “Is this true salvation?"
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, so that no one should boast.”
Ephesians 2:8-9 MEV
We need to have faith that when you confess your sins, forgive others, and even forgive yourself, God's grace will bring you into the household of faith and help you walk out your salvation. When the Scripture says "so that no one should boast,” it is talking about what God has done not what we have done, so we can not take the credit. Salvation is not by works, but by grace through faith.
Ultimately, salvation is the surrendering of who you were, so God can do what he promised in His Word and that you become who He has called you to be. It was what God has done by sending His son Jesus, who took our sins to the cross with Him and gave us forgiveness through the shedding of His blood.
John the baptizer called this repentance. Did you know that repent really means to turn around from the things we have been doing that do not line up with what God wants for us? We need to repent of our unholy ways, and what that looks like is changing our direction and going the other way.
Salvation is a way of life and not a one time event. Everyday, you can think about the things you do and see what the Bible says about them. It is so important that we examine ourselves and ask God to show us what we need to change. Many of the things we say and do are habits, taught to us by our circumstances. That does not make them right in God's eyes. Reading the Bible helps us to see God’s ways and lets us renew the way we think to the good and perfect way of God.
In Romans it talks about confessing sins.
“That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Romans 10:9 MEV
Some people believe this one verse wraps up salvation as a whole. However, while it is the start of our walk in salvation it doesn't stop there. A lot of churches nowadays lead people to believe that if they repeat a short confession or prayer, they are good to go. Sound familiar? It's all done now, and you can just continue on with your life and you'll go to heaven. Many people are told this is what salvation looks like.
What is Salvation with Bible References
True salvation means that you were a sinner and now you're not. You asked God to come into your life, change it, and forgive you of all the things you did wrong. Thus becoming a New Creation in Christ.
"Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away. Look, all things have become new. All this is from God who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their sins against them, and has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation."
2 Corinthians 5:17-18 MEV
The Lord wants all of us and not just a simple declaration of faith. It is more like a vow to God that we will now live our life for Him and not for ourselves. The truly too good to be true news is, He did forgive us, come into us, and lives through our life here on earth. The more we learn to surrender to His leading and Word, the more He is able to have His will done here on earth, so more people can come live with Him forever.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9 MEV
Jesus went to the cross and made restitution with God for us. Salvation is an all-inclusive word of the Gospel, gathering into itself all the redemptive acts and processes. Salvation from sin comes through confession, grace, sanctification of spirit, soul, and body, belief of the truth, and faith in His name.
Acts says, “There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12 MEV
Jesus is the only way to the Father. Salvation means far more than what is taught. Your salvation is so much more than just going to heaven, and if we can change our minds on that, we can make earth look like heaven. God's redemptive power is all encompassing, and is only limited in our lives by what we believe and have faith for.
Salvation is not merely saying the “sinners’ prayer” and it is done. It is a matter of a lifestyle of sanctification and consecration unto the Lord. True salvation is surrendering your life, to pick up His life, the good life, for eternity.
How does one walk out true salvation?
Let's leave you with some real life examples of how you can start walking out your salvation with the Lord today.
Get into the Word. Read and study your Bible everyday.
Fellowship with like minded people.
Find a good church where you can make new friends and serve with.
Make time everyday to pray and listen to God speak to you.
You will find that the most important part of Christianity is truly knowing God, knowing what the Word of God says, and knowing what needs to change in your life.
Welcome to the family, we hope you enjoy your new life in Christ and know that you will have life evermore with your new family. Never forget to share the good news of what God has done for you, so others around you can have what you have found.
If you have recently accepted Jesus in your life and are looking to connect with liked minded people, please reach out. Here at R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International, we would love to pray with you and for you on this new chapter of your life. You can get in touch with our prayer team here.
Be whole, be healed, and be blessed to be a blessing.
R.A.I.S.E. Ministries International